Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello World!

In case you didn't know this, but back in the day the first program that people would write would be to display that text - as a paper print-out or as a screen display. So it's only fitting that I would start this blog with those famous words.

However, I'm not a programmer. In fact, I've made an IT career out of not knowing how to code, not knowing UNIX(r), or ever having to do anything that required touching a computer. Well, the keyboard of a PC doesn't count, not really.

So why is this not my journal, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Over the years I'd buy beautiful journals - each a promise that I would chronicle my life, release the inner-writer, confess my darkest secrets, have adventures in fantasy, and unleash the creative flow. I'd write a few pages, break for a few days, write another page then stop for a few months. I'd make sporadic attempts, realize it was either trash or embarrassing. So out the window went my good intentions and into the trash went the pages!

But this is NOT my journal! It's my blog. So let's see where this leads us...

My promise to you, kind reader, is not to delete my posts.


  1. Well done! and I'll keep on you to continue posting if you start to lag behind!

  2. OMG!! Is this who I think it is? One word....FIREWALKER!!!

    If so, nice swim suit Baby! *LMAO*
